Monday, September 22, 2008

BAG Networks Raya Packaging

Remember all that red and cream weaving...

Here's what they're for. I had an order to supply and bag 200 containers of cookies for the company for the Hari Raya celebration. Spent four days weaving the 200 ketupats. Several hours making the 200 tags with logo, cutting it up and putting in the slits. Several hours punching out 400 mini tags, cutting up strings and tying them up, then sticking in random quotes. More hours cutting up the skinny ribbons, 400 of those. Oh, also the stamping on the bags... aaahhh, time out to go pick up the the 200 containers of yummy cookies and bagging them. Then several long hours putting them all together. I'm just eyeballing on the time, I didn't log the hours, must do time sheet next time...

200 bags, all completed!

The back of the bag...
I made four different ketupats, from the top left going clockwise, ketupat satay (because it always accompanies the satay every time you order it - grilled meat on skewers), ketupat raya (you used to see this shape when they serve ketupat during Raya celebration, aka anak bunut), ketupat kikik (because it looks like a kite, aka kapas - I don't know why) and ketupat bawang (because it looked like an onion, aka anak temanggong)

I do get bored making just one kind over and over, plus it's nice to have that bit of variety. And I chucked in one or two odd shaped one as well somewhere into the mix.

When I sent in my samples of package presentation, the presentation was for a cross between traditional, clean and modern. For us Raya celebration is synonymous with ketupats I figured that's a pretty good way of representing the occasion. Using the colour scheme of the company logo and added in a couple of the tags to make it 'personalisable'. All against a background of brown to make the whole thing pop. The person who approved it loved the fact I used a brown bag as it was a concept of the company and wanted to add on the what-the-brown-bag-meant for them and inspirational quotes. Ok, client wishes...

(Oh gosh, I just had an idea how I could change this to a christmas themed version! Whoo hoo! Anyway...)

I'm pretty proud the idea came together and the physical manifestation. I quite enjoy the challenge doing a corporate job. I don't know if they are to go to the staff and clients, or just clients... I hope it goes to the staff too, it would be really nice for them to recieve a present from the company you're working for.

And lastly, I would like to thank all the people who volunteered their time to help me with the repetitive work, ie cutting tags, slits, ribbons, strings, sticky tapes, labels, quotes... punching tags, holes and sticking in quotes and stringing them up... and putting the bags together... you know who you are :-)

Oh, and the cookies were yummilicious! Peanut butter cookies you just pop into your mouth. You just can't stop eating them, will be serving them for Hari Raya open house :-D Good thing the containers were sealed when they were being bagged and that it's fasting month, hehe...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Teddy Sneak...

I promise not to post any incriminating pictures up until the recipient received it, so I figured this picture is vague enough to not give any ideas :-p plus it's my favourite bit of all. It was no joke hand drawing all those curls...

Monday, September 15, 2008

Work In Progress

One of my painting moments, can't seem to get the colours right... Maybe it's to do with the fact that I'm only using 4 different tubes of paints. Still working on the values of the light and dark. But that's on hold cos I got this to work on...

Mini ketupats! They're about an inch wide each using the 1/4 inch satin cloth ribbons. Need about 200 of them, almost there, other components prepared already, just waiting for the stamp, quotes and cookies left. Big assembly this weekend. More later on what they're for...

Monday, September 8, 2008

Big Bow Stab Bound Albums

My sister asked for a wedding present to give to a friend of hers, and the friend likes the colours dark green and dark red. I took on dark red and ran away with it and came up with this, dark red thai silk and gold organza ribbons with flower details at the ends.

I liked the design so much I decided to come up with a silver version and paired it up with a really pale purple silk I got in my stash and I got this.

The inside of the albums, rose patterned pages! Perfumed scented too. Roses on the cover, the ribbons and the pages! I love it when things match.

The pages are tabbed too so plenty of space to stick pictures and whatnots in without the covers going all gappy.

Also I was trying to use up the scented papers because I bought a stack of it...
The albums are 8 by 9 inches, it's really 10 but 1 inch is the spine where the stabbing part is that holds the book together, it's that part at the end with the 'V' pattern. That's what nice about this particular binding, it's practical and decorative. The sewing goes from the front and all the way to the back of the album. Another thing I like about the albums, the big organza ribbons are not only decorative, but also practical, you need to untie it in order to access the inside.

The covers are padded so it has a nice soft give when you're holding it. And I couldn't help but add the little flower detail in the corner. Imagine how it'll look lying on your living room coffee table, how pretty it must be...

More pictures of the albums here and a third version I made as well.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I got an award from Astrid. Thank you, thank you! To quote Astrid, this premio was initiated by Eseya from Uruguay with the aim of honouring arts and creativity in the internet world. As always, these awards come with certain rules, as there are:

  1. You have to pick 5 blogs that you consider deserve this award through creativity, design, interesting material, and also contribute to the blogger community, no matter of language.

  2. Each award should have the name of the author with a link to their blog.

  3. Award winners have to post the award with the name and link to the blog of the person who gave them the award.

  4. Please include a link to the “Arte Y Pico” blog so that everyone will know where the award came from.
Astrid awarded me this back in July, it took a while to decide who will be the five (five?? Doubt it...) I'm passing it on to... So in honour of passing this award along, the people I like to give them to locally and afar:
This confectionary lady makes decorating desert an art form, I'd love to see the tools she uses, which I will, plan on dropping over to her magical kitchen soon.

Jasmin of Moments To Cherish
Brilliant how as soon as you walk through her front door all you see is scrapbooking stuff. I love the tools, just haven't used up all mine yet.

Lera of The Sky Is Pink

A mom of six beautiful kids, she makes, she bakes, she crafts, all for the family, the kind of mom I'd like to be.

Patricia of A Little Hut

I love the magic she does with paper and an exacto knife. The kind of style I like, simple and clean.

Jessica of Zakka Life

This is another mom I like to be. Only her's are all japanese related.

Cathe of Just Something I Made

Stumbled on one of my blog hops. Love what she makes. Can't wait to see what else she's gonna come up with...


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